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Prophetic Word # 258

I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. You will know this and you will see this, missiles being fired; by a nation who is weak. They claim to be a super power, but they are not. They are angry people who want to flex their muscles and military might. And their powers of negotiation. And they feel they have the right to launch missiles at their caretakers, their caretakers. But I will release my angels into the atmosphere and they will stop these people from being they way they are. They will bring a ground strike from the Kingdom of Heaven. They will obliterate everything that they have as far has mechanical equipment. Failure x3 Systems failure will come upon their equipment. I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. Yes x2, you are my friend prophet and I will use you to the end.

On February 7, 2016, North Korea launched a large rocket. The rocket failed at the third stage of separation.

On February 7, 2016 test fires a long-range rockets, against international officials orders. US said both missiles failed

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