I Am Alpha and Omega and I say to you speak in tongues a little bit more. Tongues...
Paulette, Rene, and Sally. Listen to me I Am the Alpha and the Omega. The King of king and the Lord of lords. You are no longer going to be in existence and I Am calling you to die right now, in Jesus name. I take your air, I take everything about you. I take away your essence. I take away your formation. I take away the wind that is in your tunnels. I take away the warm water from you. I take away and I do something different, I cause an anomaly to happen. All three of you shall depart from my eyes and you shall be quenched, quenched by my thoughts and my angelic host shall come down and remove you from the sees. Remove you from the sees. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. I will make sure that you will not hurt a thing. I will cause you to die. Keep away from Florida. Keep away, keep away, Keep away, Keep away from Florida, and I will cause you to do little damage. I will cause you to fizzle out like the others. I Am Alpha and Omega and I Am watching you. I Am watching die as I speak, Roar.