We are that purchased possession unto the praise of his glory. Paul says that he hears of their faith. Their trust in the Lord Jesus, who is our master, commander, and possessor of all things. He hears of their love, affection and esteem for all saints. The holy ones, qadosh.
Study and worship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Pick a verse and scripture. Post it onto the worship blog.
Listen to the songs that have been recorded in the studio. These songs are found on the media platform.
When creating your posts you can:
Say hello from facebook
Post your favorite scriptures on the comments page.
Touch the heart button and show your appreciation.
Spread the word to others about the blog. Post your testimonies on the page. Stay connected to Jesus Christ using this ministry. Customize the look of your media by posting pictures and communicate to one another.
Don't loose touch with the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Enjoy your time posting and listening.
Possess the Kingdom of God as you read and study the word of God with us.
Tell us your healing miracles and testimonies. Love one another with the Good News!
The gospel of the Lord Jesus. Enjoy this community.