I Am Alpha and Omega and I Am going to cause a liberation. Liberty to come to come to the people of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro, you have over stepped your bounds. Because of the fear that you have experience from other nations, I will cause you to have fear of me and only me. You will fear Me, and you shall get up and leave your place of high establishment. Your place of stature. Your place where the statuesque is being, ha, entertained. I' Am removing you. I Am removing you, from your place of leadership in Venezuela and I Am going to cause you to run from your home land. You will run and I will cause you to leave your homeland and you will seek, tongues... you will seek shelter somewhere else. I Am going to cause you to leave now. Because the people are now tied. And they are now being brought to a place, where they are willing to die for their home land. Their own freedom. But I will remove you now. I will cause you to be removed. For the deal has been made. The deal of the century has been made. it has been struck and now it's time for you to go, leave Venezuela. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.
NEWS / Latin America
Venezuela's Maduro says Norway talks seek 'peaceful agenda' Aljazeera. May 18th, 2019
U.S. Suspends Passenger and Cargo Flights to Venezuela. New York Times. May 15th, 2019.
The U.S. has lifted sanctions on a top Venezuelan general who broke ranks with President Nicolás Maduro, trying to help the opposition regain momentum in the face of a government crackdown following last week's failed uprising.
Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech Tuesday that the immediate lifting of financial sanctions for Gen. Manuel Figuera, who was Venezuela's spy chief, is intended to encourage others in the military to abandon their support for Maduro. Fox News. May 8th 2019
The Middle East Peace Plan is out: Deal of the century. Israel Hayom. 5/7/2019