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Prophetic Exhortations, Edification, and Comfort

I Am Alpha and Omega. Yes, I Am showing you many things. Mighty is the hand of the Most High Living God. You shall be always in my heart, my sight, in my love. In my arms, that are calling you. I Am showing you many things and I Am loving on you, at the same time. I Am bringing security into your life. A greater sense of security, like never before. You are moving from glory to glory and you will now believe what you need to believe. The things that you didn't believe, you now believe. The things that you didn't do, you now do. The things that you didn't see, you now see. The things that you didn't hear, you now hear. The things that you didn't say, you now say. You are changing, you are moving from glory to glory and I Am your Father. And you are my children. And you are my sons and daughters. And I Am your Father. I Am Alpha and Omega and I make it known to you, that my love is all over you. I Am telling you this because I love you. I love you, the way how the bible express, how I love you. I gave my only begotten son for you. I gave Myself. I love you. I Am Alpha and Omega and I Am speaking to you this day. In the spirit of love.

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