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World News: Prophetic Word #361

Mighty is the hand of the Most High Living God. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. You will know this and you will see this. Mighty is the hand of the Most High Living God. Jet Blue, Jet Blue, Plane coming down. I will release my angels to help the people on the plane. I will help the people and the pilot on the plane. I will cause the pilots to see what they need to see and hear what they need to hear; in their time of need. Their plane will be in trouble but I will release my angels to help them. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. Yes co-labor with me and I will make saints out of you all. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

Southwest Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Cleveland Due To Cracked Window April 19, 2018 Reported by GIZMODO

Jet Blue Airlines plane windshield shattered while en route to Tampa International Airport

WFTS Webteam

5:14 PM, May 6, 2018

8 mins ago

There were many emergency landings after the 19th of April.

Yes, You will see another asteroid coming close to the planet earth and I will use you to deflect it. I will use you. Just say to the asteroid, "Father God release, release your glory, cause the asteroid to go the other way." Mighty is the hand of the Most High Living God. Another asteroid coming close to earth. And I will use you prophet to push it further away. I will cause that thing not to hit the earth. I will cause that that thing not to hit the earth. I Am Alpha and Omega and I Am coming to tell my prophets first. I have come to tell my prophets first. It will move in such a trajectory, trajectory, that I will say to you, "make it move on your behalf, on my behalf, on behalf of the people on the earth." And it shall move, I will cause it to miss the earth. Yes, I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

An Asteroid Will Narrowly Miss Earth Tomorrow And You Can Watch. Popular Mechanics, May14, 2018

Asteroid 2010 WC9 will come within about half the distance from the Earth to the moon.

Asteroid 2010 WC9 will come within about half the distance from the Earth to the moon.

Incoming!: NASA says 5 ‘close’ asteroid flybys will take place today

Published time: 29 Apr, 2018 10:47

Just in time for Earth Day, the Lyrid meteor shower is going out with a bang, and maybe even a few fireballs. The cosmic light show began on April 16, but if you haven’t seen any meteors streaking across the sky just yet, you’re in luck. Sunday and Monday are expected to be the most active days before the Lyrids wrap up on April 25, 2018

Russia will abandon Syria and take on another geographical location. Russia will abandon Syria and take up another geographical location. They are counting the costs and they feel that Assad has not served them well. Profitably, it has not been profitably in their interest. I will see Russia change geographic locations and they will leave Assad wide open. The allies will swallow him up as they move in to take Syria. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

Russia: US Did Not Violate Red Lines During Syria Strikes

Russia's foreign minister says U.S. President Donald Trump indicated he could visit Russia if President Vladimir Putin were able to accept his invitation to the White House. Russia gives up territory for the US to air strike Syria. April 20, 2018

I will protect our President Trump like never before. I will release my angels to come and make things right for him. The media will back off. The people who have been calling him names will back off and I will give him a sanctuary, solace, a place of sanctuary in this season; as he does business in the oceans on my behalf. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

Russia Investigation

1 day ago April 26,27, 2018

House panel’s Russia report finds 'no evidence' of collusion, Trump says probe ‘MUST END NOW’

By Brooke Singman, Judson Berger | Fox News

North Korea's Kim Jong Un crosses DMZ line for historic meeting with South Korea

  • By Joohee Cho,

  • Hakyung Kate Lee


Apr 26, 2018, 11:33 PM ET

Terrorism, yes, you have not heard anything but there are sleeper cells still in America. People who plan to do evil on behalf of Satan. And I will say to New York City, I Am telling you be ready and stand guard, be on the watch tower, and stand guard." For the very thing that you fear shall rear its ugly head. Terrorism in New York City. I will release my angels, I will say to you, "call forth my angels to cause the loss of life to be zero, zero. I Am Alpha Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

Terrorists’ use of drones has NYPD on alert

By Shari Logan and Chris Perez

April 23, 2018 | 10:35pm

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