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Prophetic Exhortations

I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. The heavens are being released, the treasuries of heaven are being released unto you. And you will see the heavens come down through the angels, through my angelic messengers. Through my Word. through my worship. Through the worship that you experience. Through the enthroning of my presence on your worship. On the very prayers that you have brought to the heavens. I Am Singing on your behalf, and I Am saying to you in this season, "I Am bringing great wealth. Great finances, great prosperity. New friendships, and new endeavors. And I Am blessing you in such away, that people will say and look and know, that I Am Alpha and Omega, and I Am blessing you in this season. No more, no more, the past has been erased. You are moving forward in the things of the Kingdom of Heaven. I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. You are moving forward, in the things of Jesus Christ. I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. Yes you will know this and you will see this.  

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