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World News: Fire Pointe / Good News / Knowledge of God / Father's Love - Prophetic Word #320

I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. You will know this, and you will see this. Mighty is the hand of the Living God. Oh yes, I will show you more riots, more riots are coming, but my hand will be upon the people. Your people will say, "why do we not want to riot any more? We know that Donald Trump is in control, but why do we not want to riot any more." I will bring a ground shaking atmosphere that will cause the people rioting to stop rioting. And that they will go home, and put down their banners, and their sayings, and slogans, and they will go home, and they will say; "let us be in the position where our land can be healed. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. 2nd Chronicles 7:1, I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. The rioters will go home. They will stop rioting in the streets of America, they will go home; and my hand will bring a ground shaking atmosphere that will make them consider their ways. I Am going to effect the planet again, in a special way, like never before. I will move the planet earth off it's axis again to show the earth belongs to me, not to man. And they cannot do what they say they would like to do. Getting in the way of my plan, getting in the way of my plans for the world. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. The rioters will go home, they will put down their banners, and they will go home. Their slogans will come down, and they will go home. Mighty is the hand of the Living God.

Earth's Obliquity Today

Today, on February 16, 2017 at noon, Earth's axial tilt, or true obliquity was 23.43705° or 23°26'13.4".

PHILADELPHIA – Immigrants across the country are expected to stay home from school and work on Thursday to show how critical they are to the U.S. economy and way of life.

"A Day Without Immigrants" actions are planned in cities including Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, Houston, Chicago and New York. The protest gained momentum on social media and by word of mouth. Feb. 16, 2017

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