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World News: Prophetic Word #307

I Am Alpha and Omega, mighty is the hand of the Living God. You will know this and you will see this. You see many things and I Am going to show you a thing that I want you to say. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. Putin is ready to do business with Trump, but Putin is a cloak and dagger man and he will cause one thing to be taking place when he is doing another thing in another region. I Am going to show you Donald Trump, you must be strong. You must show him who you are and what you are. And he will always respect you and, "ha ha and say he is man of great strength." The moment you change he will use it against you, to capitalize on the moment. You see Russia making a move to the Mediterranean, you must say something oh president. You must make statement and put an action behind your statement so that he understands who you are. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. I Am going to show you once again, Putin making a move into the Mediterranean, against world orders, against the union, the one world order. But he will not listen, and he will say "I have come to do my bidding in the Mediterranean." But I show you again prophet, he will not be successful. Stand up, stand up trump and blow your horn and clap your hammer, let him know who you are. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first.

Vladimir Putin sends Russian frigate to Mediterranean to confront US ships which rained bombs on Syrian runway


  • 17:23, 7 APR 2017

Russia Will Hold Naval Drills in Mediterranean Sea Drills in eastern Mediterranean may exacerbate fears of Russian build-up in Syria, but Russian defense ministry says they were planned since late 2014. read more: HAARETZ

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