Prophetic Word #393

I Am Alpha and Omega and I Am coming, and I will not let nuclear war happen. I will not let nuclear war break out. No, not in this time. Not in this realm. Not in this season. Not in this dimension. Not in this place. Not in this earth for this time. I will cause a redemption. A redeeming of time. I will cause a redeeming of time to take place so that my souls, all of my souls that I have numbered will come in and be a part of my harvest for the revivals will take place for many years and I will cause the souls (tongues)….to be saved. I will cause the souls in the last days to be saved. Mighty is the hand of the Most High God. I will show Russia my hand. I will show America my hand. I will show Israel my hand. I will show Iran my hand. I will show China and Europe my hand. You will all see my hand come upon the earth and show you who is in control. You shall not use your weapons. Your nuclear arsenals in this time, in this realm in this season. In this time and place. In this realm. I will stand up and pronounce you all weak in this season. You will begin to think as I think in heaven and you will begin to humble yourselves and lower yourselves before one another and give honor to one another and respect one another and I will do this now because I Am Alpha and Omega and I have spoken no more. Russia go and speak to Iran. China go and speak to Iran. America has already spoken and now I want the rest of the world to stand up and be humbled before one another. Yes, give honor to one another. Be humane to one another, in this time, in this season, in this realm. In this time and space in this place called earth. I have spoken. I Am Alpha and Omega. Amen.

Talks of a nuclear war have been derailed.... Aug. 9, 2019
