World New: Prophetic Word #324

I Am Alpha and Omega, and I come to tell my prophets first. You will know this, and you will see this from the place of Zion, in the hill, in the mountain, in the top of the mountain. I show you this thing, Yes, yes. You will see this and you will know this. I Am showing you, mighty is the hand of the Living God. Another plane, another plane coming down from the air. Coming down, coming down, another plane. Problems with plane coming down. Problems with plane in the air. Mighty is the hand of the Living God. Mighty is the hand of the Living God, a plane having problems on the ground. Ha x7 I will be there. I will release my angels, pray for my angels to do the work of the ministry on the earth for the people who are on the plane. I Am bringing the work of the ministry to them on the plane. Pray for there lives. Pray for their souls. Pray, release the angels through me, come to me and release the angles. Come ask for my help in this matter. The plane is an airliner, and the other one is a military jet. Military, military jet. Two planes, yes, you see two, two, two planes. Military jet commercial airliner. I Am Alpha and Omega, I want you to pray for the pilots in the planes. Problems in the air. Mighty is the hand of the Living God.

Incredible vision emerges of passengers fleeing the wreckage of a plane crash in Peru

MARCH 29, 201712:02PM

Mig 21 Libya Dawn air force March 29, 2017 crash one fatality. When the Prophetic word was uttered I saw two planes a military jet, and an a commercial airliner flying by each other. Notice the two incidents took place the same day.

Yes, Yes, there will be another occurrence on the earth, another mighty occurrence taking place on the earth. Snow, snow coming again on the East Coast. Snow coming again on the East Cost. Mighty snow coming again. War in the heavens and snow coming to the East Cost again. I Am Alpha and Omega and I come to tell my prophets first. You will see snow falling on the East Coast of America again.

April Fools' Day Storm May Bring Snow to Parts of the Northeast

Published: |

Mar 30 2017 11:40 AM

April Fools' Day Storm May Bring Snow to Parts of the Northeast

By Linda Lam

Mar 30 2017 07:00 PM EDT
